A Play Party for Queer Porn Lovers
DRIP After Party
Tier 1 Tickets
per ticket
Tier 2 Tickets
per ticket
Tier 3 Tickets
per ticket
Join us at the Party
DRIP Queer & Tans Porn Film Festival will conclude with a sexy after party on July 13, 2025. This play party will be exclusively for 21y/o+ vetted LGBTQIA+ guests.
If you’re interested in attending the party, you must be approved before you are permitted to purchase a ticket. To get approved, you must complete our application form and wait for approval.
Community Agreements
Inclusion is a foundational tenant of DRIP Queer & Trans Porn Film Festival. In order to keep our play space safe, inclusive, and welcoming to our community of LGBTQIA+ porn lovers. We expect everyone to maintain the following agreements:
- Respect the party policies outlined below regarding Consent, COVID safety, Photography, and Play Rules
- Be mindful of the space you take up and whether your play is limiting others
- i.e. have you monopolized a piece of furniture others might want to use for a long time? Are your bags taking up seating space?
- Don’t wear artificial scents or perfumes to respect those with scent sensitivites
- Do not engage in play while intoxicated or use substances during the duration of the play party
- Come community minded: If a person needs help, jump in.
Consent Policy
Affirmative consent is required for all forms of play. Affirmative consent for our purposes is defined as:
- Verbally stated, signed, or non-verbally signaled following pre-negotiation
- Specific acts, and who they involve, are clearly defined
- Time-limited (consent at one time does not automatically mean consent another time)
We always encourage you to play at whatever degree feels safest to you, and prioritize community care over policing in our event spaces. The responsibility lies with all of us to intervene, aid, and assist. We rely on each other for safety and accountability.
Party Safeword: “I need help.”
- If you use this, it means that you need other folks to step in to help resolve something.
- If this phrase is used, it becomes the responsibility of everyone at the party to ensure the safety of the person saying it.
- If you feel unable to intervene when someone uses this phrase, please collect other people to assist.
- This is different from any personal safe word you may use to end a scene that you’re in.
This party will have ‘safety sluts’ available throughout the night.
- Safety sluts are experienced players. They do not police the space, but will respond to requests for help, intervene upon hearing the party safe word, and interrupt noticeably unsafe acts.
- They will be wearing glow bracelets so you can easily find help.
- Safety sluts have consented to their scenes being interrupted by anyone who needs them DURING THEIR SHIFT, So do not hesitate to interrupt!
Violations of consent are taken seriously. Report any violations to the organizers on whatever timeline feels comfortable, and we will follow up using restorative practices to the best of our abilities. The action we take will be determined in collaboration with those who were harmed, to the extent they desire or need.
We reserve the right to kick out and/or ban folks from future events.
COVID Policy
COVID-19 is an ongoing issue that still impacts many in our community, especially those impacted by chronic illness & disability. Taking proactive steps to limit COVID risk is about accessibility & inclusion.
In order to make our space as inclusive as possible, while still allowing folks to play without masks if they wish, we require that everyone in attendance:
- Be vaccinated against COVID-19;
- Have received at least one booster; and
- Show proof of a negative COVID test
- A PCR test is preferred, but rapid tests will be accepted.
- If using rapid tests, testing on the day prior AND on the day of the event will be a more accurate testing option!
- Please take your test(s) BEFORE you leave for the event.
- A PCR test is preferred, but rapid tests will be accepted.
We also encourage folks to stay home if you are feeling sick or had a recent exposure to someone sick, regardless of your COVID test results. We also ask you to be mindful of the exposure risks you are taking prior to the event.
As organizers, we commit to providing:
- Enough HEPA air filters to cover the square footage of the party space;
- To ensure testing is adhered to by all organizers, volunteers, and guests; and
- Have optional K-N95 masks available
If you need access to a test due to financial barriers, reach out to thirst.queers@gmail.com before the event!
Photography Policy
You are welcome to take photos in our space. However you must attain enthusiastic consent from ALL in view.
To post online or share in other ways, you must also gain consent from all in view.
If you are willing to share your photos with our online audience, please tag us or DM the photo to us only AFTER consent is ensured!
Who Can Attend?
In alignment with our mission to center the pleasure of LGBQTIA+ community members, the DRIP Queer & Tans Porn Film Festival after party will be exclusively for 21y/o+ vetted LGBTQIA+ guests.
To get vetted, you must complete our application form and wait to receive an invitation.
The information we ask for in the application is to help us determine who receives an invite. Please be descriptive in your answers. The better we understand who you are, the easier it is for us to ensure our space is inclusive and as safe as possible. If we don’t personally know you, and you provide minimal information, you probably won’t get an invite!
Those unable to complete a written application may request a video call with an organizer through emailing (thirst.queers@gmail.com)
Play Rules
The team behind DRIP Queer & Trans Porn Film Festival believes that consenting adults should be able to determine their own boundaries for play.
We encourage guests to practice R.A.C.K.- Risk Aware Consensual Kink, & navigate away from scenes they don’t wish to be a part of or witness.
The only two forms of consensual play we do not allow are:
- Race play
- Scat
Other “hard kinks” are allowed in the space, including but not limited to: Age play, CNC, & Blood/Sharps
Water sports are ONLY allowed in the designated shower room!
This event space:
- Is wheelchair accessible
- Is located in an elevator building
- Will have limited seating
- Has multiple unisex bathrooms available
Please note that the space may be loud and we expect around 100 guests in attendance. Earplugs will be available to anyone who needs them.
We will be checking vaccination records & COVID tests of all guests, running enough HEPA filters to cover the square footage of the event space, and provide optional KN95 masks.
Ticket Costs
DRIP Queer & Trans Porn Film Festival is a unique event uplifting marginalized voices in porn. As part of creating this event, we aim to build a sustainable system to keep this event running annually, and hopefully grow. We are also committed to compensating filmmakers for the screening of their films, as both a value we hold and a modeling of the behavior we want to see form our audience– Paying for independent queer porn!
Our tickets are priced with these goals in mind; however, we also have some discounted tickets available for QTBIPOC and transfemme guests experiencing financial hardship.
Options to volunteer for either a free or reduced-fee ticket will also be available. Please only request one of these spots if you cannot afford to pay for a ticket.
Tier 1 Tickets = $55
- Tier 1 tickets provide access to porn screenings on July 13th and the after party.
- Tier 1 tickets will be available until two weeks prior to the event (June 29, 2025), or after they sell out, whichever comes first.
Tier 2 Tickets = $65
- Tier 2 tickets provide the same access to the porn screenings and party. We ask folks to pay this rate if they can afford it.
- Tier 2 tickets will be available until one week prior to the event (July 6, 2025), or after they sell out, whichever comes first.
Tier 3 Tickets = $75
- Tier 3 tickets provide the same access to the porn screenings and party. We ask folks to pay this rate if they can afford it.
- Only Tier 3 tickets will be available on the day of the event. Guests wishing to purchase a day-of ticket MUST already be vetted by July 10th. There will be no day-of vetting.